Olive Oil Analysis by Flow Injection

In our laboratory we develop flow injection automated methods for olive oil analysis.

  • Home-made analyzers provide automated data acquisition and control.
  • Parallel incubation of multiple samples permits automation of olive oil analysis methods based on slow reactions.

The developed methods provide advantages in comparison to official methods and achieve:
  • High analysis rates: 20-100 samples per hour.
  • Full automation: Sampling, weighting, sample pretreatment, timing, data acquisition and calculations proceed at the press of a button. Lack of human intervention results in increased precision and accuracy.
  • Low cost: 0.2-7 ml of organic solvents are consumed per analysis. The low solvent consumption and the replacement of chlorinated solvents renders the developed methods environmental friendly.
  • Low sample consumption: 0.0012-0.2 mL per analysis.
  • Good agreement with time consuming official methods.
  • Protection of reagents from light and atmospheric oxygen.

Flow Injection Determination of Olive Oil

Benefits of Olive Oil Flow Injection Analysis Methods

Questions and comments to author: Dr C.A. Georgiou, cag@aua.gr
Phone: +3010-5294248, fax: +3010-5294265
Chemistry Laboratory, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece