Δρ. Δημήτριος Σάββας

Διευθυντής του εργαστηρίου , Ph.D, Καθηγητής

Δημήτριος Σάββας


Διευθυντής Εργαστηρίου Κηπευτικών Καλλιεργειών

Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυτικής Παραγωγής

Ιερά Οδός 75

11855 Βοτανικός, Αθήνα
Τηλ: +30 210 529 4510
E-mail: dsavvas at aua.gr

Καθηγητής στο Τµήµα Επιστήμης Φυτικής Παραγωγής (Εργαστήριο Κηπευτικών Καλλιεργειών) του Γεωπονικού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Έχει λάβει πτυχίο γεωπόνου στην ειδικότητα της Φυτοτεχνίας από τη Γεωπονική Σχολή Αθηνών το 1985 και διδακτορικό δίπλωμα από τη Γεωπονική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου της Βόννης (Γερμανία) με ειδίκευση στις Κηπευτικές Καλλιέργειες και την Υδροπονία το 1992. Μετά την απονομή του διδακτορικού διπλώματος εργάστηκε ως ακαδημαϊκό προσωπικό στα Τεχνολογικά Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα Μεσολογγίου, Καλαμάτας, και Ηπείρου αλλά και στο Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Επίσης, διδάσκει ως επισκέπτης καθηγητής στο μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα του MAICh-CIHEAM από το 2000. Στο Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών υπηρετεί από τον Ιούνιο του 2006, αρχικά ως επίκουρος καθηγητής, από το 2011 ως αναπληρωτής καθηγητής και από το 2015 ως καθηγητής. Από το 2016 είναι Διευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Κηπευτικών Καλλιεργειών του ΓΠΑ. Τα κύρια ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα περιλαμβάνουν θέματα σχετικά με τις σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες και την ορθολογική διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων στις θερμοκηπιακές καλλιέργειες κηπευτικών, το μικροκλίμα του θερμοκηπίου, την θρέψη και λίπανση των κηπευτικών, τις υδροπονικές καλλιέργειες και τα υποστρώματα, την άρδευση, καθώς και τον εμβολιασμό των κηπευτικών. Είναι μέλος της συντακτικής επιτροπής (Editorial Board) των διεθνών επιστημονικών περιοδικών Scientia Horticulturae (I.F. 1,538 το 2015), Environmental & Experimental Botany (I.F. 3,712 το 2015), Agricultural Water Management (I.F. 2,603 το 2015) και European Journal of Horticultural Science (I.F. 0,400 το 2015). Το συγγραφικό του έργο περιλαμβάνει πάνω από 75 εργασίες δημοσιευμένες σε έγκριτα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές που διαθέτουν impact factor στο Journal Citation Reports, πάνω από 35 επιστημονικές εργασίες σε πλήρη πρακτικά διεθνών συνεδρίων, πάνω από 45 εργασίες σε πλήρη πρακτικά πανελληνίων συνεδρίων, 5 κεφάλαια σε ξενόγλωσσα βιβλία και 3 βιβλία (Γενική Ανθοκομία, Γενική Λαχανοκομία, Καλλιέργειες εκτός Εδάφους) στα Ελληνικά. Έχει συμμετάσχει ή συμμετέχει ως μέλος της Ερευνητικής Ομάδας ή συντονιστής σε πολλά ευρωπαϊκά και εθνικά ερευνητικά προγράμματα σχετικά με κηπευτικές καλλιέργειες. Από το 2010 μέχρι σήμερα έχει συντονίσει ή συντονίζει 4 ευρωπαϊκά ερευνητικά προγράμματα και ειδικότερα το LEGUME FUTURES (FP7, 2010-2014), το EUROLEGUME (FP7, 2014-2017), το TRUE (H2020, 2017-2020) και το TOMRES (H2020, 2017-2020).

Δημοσιεύσεις ερευνητικών εργασιών σε διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένα επιστημονικά περιοδικά με σύστημα κριτών

  1. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 1994. Influence of salinity on the incidence of the physiological disorder “internal fruit rot” in hydroponically grown eggplants. Angewandte Botanik (Journal of Applied Botany), 68: 32-35.
  2. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 1994. Einfluss einer NaCl-Salzbelastung auf das vegetative und generative Wachstum von Aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) in Hydro­kultur. Gartenbauwissenschaft 59: 172-177.
  3. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 1995. Nährstoffaufnahme von Aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) in Hydrokultur. Gartenbauwissenschaft 60: 29-33.
  4. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 1996. Influence of NaCl salinity on the mineral composition of eggplants in sand culture. Angewandte Botanik (Journal of Applied Botany) 70: 124-127.
  5. Savvas, D., G. Manos, 1999. Automated composition control of nutrient solution in soilless culture systems. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 73: 29-33.
  6. Savvas, D., K. Adamidis, 1999. Automated management of nutrient solutions based on target electrical conductivity, pH, and nutrient concentration ratios. Journal of Plant Nutrition 22: 1415-1432.
  7. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 2000. Effects of NaCl or nutrient-induced salinity on growth, yield, and composition of eggplants grown in rockwool. Scientia Horticulturae 84: 37-47.
  8. Savvas, D., F. Lenz, 2000. Response of eggplants grown in recirculating nutrient solution to salinity exerted prior to the start of harvesting. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 75: 262-267.
  9. Mavrogianopoulos, G., D. Savvas, Vogli, 2002. Influence of NaCl-salinity imposed to half of the root system of hydroponically grown tomato on growth, yield, and tissue mineral composition. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 77: 557-564.
  10. Savvas, D., 2002. Automated replenishment of recycled greenhouse effluents with individual nutrients in hydroponics by means of two alternative models. Biosystems Engineering, 83: 225-236.
  11. Savvas, D., G. Gizas, 2002. Response of hydroponically grown gerbera to nutrient solution recycling and different nutrient cation ratios. Scientia Horticulturae, 96: 267-280.
  12. Savvas, D., G. Manos, A. Kotsiras, S. Souvaliotis, 2002. Effects of silicon and nutrient-induced salinity on yield, flower quality, and nutrient uptake of gerbera grown in a closed hydroponic system. Journal of Applied Botany, 76: 153-158.
  13. Savvas, D., V. Karagianni, A. Kotsiras, V. Demopoulos, I. Karkamisi, P. Pakou, 2003. Interactions between ammonium and pH of the nutrient solution supplied to gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in soilless culture. Plant and Soil, 254: 393-402.
  14. Akl, I.A., D. Savvas, N. Papadantonakis, N. Lydakis-Simantiris, P. Kefalas, 2003. Influence of ammonium to total nitrogen supply ratio on growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato grown in a closed hydroponic system. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 68: 204-211.
  15. Karras, G., D. Savvas, G. Patakioutas, P. Pomonis, T. Albanis, 2005. Fate of metalaxyl applied in nutrient solution to gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in a closed hydroponic system. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 80: 111-115.
  16. Lykoskoufis, I.H., D. Savvas, G. Mavrogianopoulos, 2005. Growth, gas exchange, and nutrient status in pepper (Capsicum annum) grown in recirculating nutrient solution as affected by salinity imposed to half of the root system. Scientia Horticulturae, 106: 147-161.
  17. Savvas, D., V.A. Pappa, A. Kotsiras, G. Gizas, NaCl accumulation in a cucumber crop grown in a completely closed hydroponic system as influenced by NaCl concentration in irrigation water. European Journal of Hort. Science 70: 217-223.
  18. Savvas, D., A. Kotsiras, G. Meletiou, S. Margariti, I. Tsirogiannis, 2005. Modeling the relationship between water uptake by cucumber and NaCl accumulation in a closed hydroponic system. HortScience, 40: 802-807.
  19. Tas, G., N. Papadandonakis, D. Savvas, 2005. Responses of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia) grown in a closed hydroponic system to NaCl-, or CaCl2-salinity. Journal of Applied Botany & Food Quality, 79: 136-140.
  20. Trajkova, F., N. Papadandonakis, D. Savvas, 2006. Comparative effects of NaCl- and CaCl2-salinity on cucumber (Cucumis sativus ) grown in a closed hydroponic system. HortScience 41 (2): 437-441.
  21. Savvas, D., E. Nasi, E. Moustaka, N. Mantzos, P. Barouchas, H.C. Passam, C. Olympios, 2006. Effects of ammonium nitrogen on lettuce grown on pumice in a closed hydroponic system. HortScience 41: 1667-1673.
  22. Karipidis, C., Olympios, C., Passam, H.C., Savvas, D., 2007. Effect of moisture content of tomato pollen stored cryogenically on in vitro germination, fecundity and respiration during tuber growth. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 82: 29-34.
  23. Savvas, D., Mantzos, N., Barouchas, P., Tsirogiannis, I., Olympios, C., Passam, H.C., 2007. Modelling salt accumulation by a bean crop grown in a closed hydroponic system in relation to water uptake. Scientia Horticulturae 111, 311-318.
  24. Karras, G., Savvas, D., Patakioutas, G., Pomonis, Τ., Albanis, T., Pomonis, P., 2007. Modeling the Transport of Metalaxyl in Gerbera Plants Grown in a Closed-loop Hydroponic System. Biosystems Engineering 96, 279-292.
  25. Karras, G., D. Savvas, G. Patakioutas, P. Pomonis, T. Albanis, 2007. Fate of cyromazine applied via the nutrient solution in a gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) crop grown in a closed hydroponic system. Crop Protection 26, 721-728.
  26. Savvas, D., Gizas, G., Karras, G., Lydakis-Simantiris, N., Salahas, G., Papadimitriou, M., Tsouka, N., 2007. Interactions between silicon and NaCl-salinity in a soilless culture of roses in greenhouse. European Journal of Horticultural Science 72, 73-79.
  27. Savvas, D., Stamati, E., Tsirogiannis, I.L., Mantzos, N., Barouchas, P.E., Kittas, K., Katsoulas, N., 2007. Interactions between salinity and irrigation frequency in greenhouse pepper grown in a closed-loop hydroponic system. Agricultural Water Management 91, 102-111.
  28. Gizas, G., Savvas, D., 2007. Particle size and hydraulic properties of pumice affect growth and yield of greenhouse crops in soilless culture. HortScience 42, 1274-1280.
  29. Katsoulas, N, Kittas, C, Tsirogiannis, I.L., Kitta, E., Savvas, D., 2007. Greenhouse microclimate and soilless pepper crop production and quality as affected by a fog evaporative cooling system. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers 50, 1831-1840.
  30. Patakioutas, G., Savvas, D., Matakoulis, C., Sakellarides, T., Albanis, T., 2007. Fate of cyromazine and its metabolite melamine applied via nutrient solution to a closed-cycle cultivation of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 55, 9928-9935.
  31. Savvas, D., Chatzieustratiou, E., Pervolaraki, G., Gizas, G., Sigrimis, N., 2008. Modelling Na and Cl concentrations in the recycling nutrient solution of a closed-cycle pepper cultivation. Biosystems Engineering 99, 282-291.
  32. Savvas, D., Giotis, D., Chatzieustratiou, E., Bakea, M., Patakioutas, G., Silicon supply in soilless cultivations of zucchini alleviates stress induced by salinity and powdery mildew infections. Environmental & Experimental Botany 65, 11-17.
  33. Savvas, D. Karapanos, I., Tagaris, A., Passam, H.C., 2009. Effects of NaCl and silicon on the quality and storage ability of zucchini squash fruit. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 84, 381-386.
  34. Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., Tsirogiannis, I., Merkouris, O., Kittas, C., 2009. Response of an eggplant crop grown under Mediterranean summer conditions to greenhouse cooling. Scientia Horticulturae 123, 90–98.
  35. Savvas, D., Papastavrou, D., Ntatsi, G., Ropokis, A., Olympios, C., Hartman, H., Schwarz, D., 2009. Interactive effects of grafting and Mn-supply on growth, yield and nutrient uptake by tomato. HortScience 44, 1978-1982
  36. Varlagas, H, Savvas, D., Mouzakis, G., Liotsos, C., Karapanos, I., Sigrimis, N., 2010. Modelling uptake of Na+ and Cl by tomato in closed-cycle cultivation systems as influenced by irrigation water salinity. Agricultural Water Management 97, 1242–1250.
  37. Savvas, D., Leneti, E., Mantzos, N., Kakarantza, L., Barouchas, P., 2010. Effects of enhanced NH4+-N supply and concomitant changes in the concentrations of other nutrients needed for ion balance on the growth, yield, and nutrient status of eggplants grown on rockwool. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 85, 355–361.
  38. Liopa-Tsakalidi, A., Savvas, D., Beligiannis, G.N., 2010. Modelling the Richards function using Evolutionary Algorithms on the effect of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution on zucchini growth in hydroponic culture. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 18, 1266-1273.
  39. Savvas, D., Colla, G., Rouphael, Y., Schwarz, D., 2010. Amelioration of nutrient and heavy metal stress in fruit vegetables by grafting. Scientia Horticulturae 127, 156-161.
  40. Savvas, D., Savva, A., Ntatsi, G., Ropokis, A., Karapanos, I., Krumbein, A., Olympios, C., 2011. Effects of three commercial rootstocks on mineral nutrition, fruit yield and quality in salinised tomatoes. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science 174, 154–162.
  41. Al Naddaf, O., Livieratos, I., Stamatakis, A., Tsirogiannis, I., Gizas, G., Savvas, D., 2011. Hydraulic characteristics of composted pig manure, perlite, and mixtures of them, and their impact on cucumber grown on bags. Scientia Horticulturae 129, 135–141.
  42. Salahas, G., Papasavvas, A., Giannakopoulos, A., Tselios, T., Konstantopoulou, H., Savvas, D., 2011. Impact of nitrogen deficiency on biomass production, leaf gas exchange, and total phenol and betacyanin concentrations in red beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) plants. European Journal of Horticultural Science 76, 194–200.
  43. Tzerakis, , Savvas, D., Sigrimis, N., 2012. Responses of cucumber grown in recirculating nutrient solution to gradual Mn and Zn accumulation in the root zone owing to excessive supply via the irrigation water. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 125–134.
  44. Kitta, E., Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., 2012. Shading effects on greenhouse microclimate and gas exchange in a cucumber crop grown under Mediterranean conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 28, 129-140.
  45. Gizas, G., Tsirogiannis, I., Bakea, M., Mantzos, N., Savvas, D., 2012. Impact of hydraulic characteristics of raw or composted Posidonia residues, coir, and their mixtures with pumice on root aeration, water availability and yield in a lettuce crop. HortScience 47, 896–901.
  46. Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., Druege, U., Schwarz, D., 2013. Contribution of phytohormones in alleviating the impact of sub-optimal temperature stress on grafted tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 149, 28–38.
  47. Savvas, D., Ntatsi, G., Barouchas, P., 2013. Impact of Cd and Ni on cation uptake by cucumber grafted onto four commercial rootstocks Scientia Horticulturae 149, 86–96.
  48. Tzerakis, C., Savvas, D., Sigrimis, N., Mavrogiannopoulos, G., 2013. Uptake of Mn and Zn by cucumber grown in closed hydroponic systems as influenced by the Mn and Zn concentrations in the supplied nutrient solution. HortScience 48, 373–379.
  49. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2013. Responses of hydroponically-grown strawberry to different K:Ca:Mg ratios in the supplied nutrient solution. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 88, 293–300.
  50. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2013. Assessment of different strategies to balance high Mg levels in the irrigation water when preparing nutrient solution for soilless strawberry crops. European Journal of Horticultural Science 78, 267-274.
  51. Tsirogiannis, I., Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., Kittas, C., 2013. Relationships between reflectance and water status in a greenhouse rocket (Eruca Sativa) cultivation. European Journal of Horticultural Science 78, 275-282.
  52. Ntatsi G., Savvas, D., Huntenburg, K., Druege, U., Hincha, D.K., Zuther E., Schwarz, D., 2014. A study on ABA involvement in the response of tomato to suboptimal root temperature using reciprocal grafts with notabilis, a null mutant in the ABA-biosynthesis gene LeNCED Environmental and Experimental Botany, 97, 11-21
  53. Bilalis, D., Karkanis, A., Savvas, D., Kontopoulou, Ch.K., Efthimiadou, A., 2014. Effects of fertilization and salinity on weed flora in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown following organic or conventional cultural practices. Australian Journal of Crop Science 8, 178-182
  54. Ntatsi G., Savvas, D., Klaering H.P., Schwarz, D., 2014. Growth, yield, and metabolic responses of temperature-stressed tomato to grafting onto rootstocks differing in cold tolerance. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 139, 230-243
  55. Kontopoulou, C.K., Bilalis, D., Pappa, V.A., Rees, R.M., Savvas, D., 2015. Impact of organic farming practices and salinity on yield and greenhouse gas emissions from a common bean crop grown in a Mediterranean environment. Scientia Horticulturae 183, 48-57.
  56. Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., Bartzanas, T., Kittas, C., 2015. Model-based control of water and nutrient discharge in a tomato crop grown in a semi-closed soilless system as influenced by the drainage fraction. Computers & Electronics in Agriculture 113, 61-71.
  57. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2015. Impact of different nutrient macrocation ratios on macronutrient uptake by melon (Cucumis melo) grown in recirculating nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 320–332.
  58. Kontopoulou, C.K., Giagkou, S., Stathi, E., Iannetta, P.M., Savvas, D., 2015. Responses of hydroponically-grown common bean fed with N-free nutrient solution to root inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria. HortScience 50, 597–602.
  59. Salachas, G., Savvas, D., Argyropoulou, K., Tarantillis, P.A., Kapotis, G., 2015. Yield and nutritional quality of aeroponically cultivated basil as affected by the available root-zone volume. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 27, 911-918.
  60. Savvas, D., Ntatsi, G., 2015. Biostimulant activity of silicon in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae 196, 66-81
  61. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2015. NaCl accumulation and macronutrient uptake by a melon crop in a closed hydroponic system in relation to water uptake. Agricultural Water Management 165, 22–32.
  62. Lazaridi, E., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., Bebeli, P.J. 2016. Diversity in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp.) local populations from Greece. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 1-23
  63. Neocleous, D., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., 2016. Physiological, nutritional and growth responses of melon (Cucumis melo) to a gradual salinity built-up in recirculating nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition – (in press)
  64. Savvas, D., Öztekin, G.B., Tepecik, M., Ropokis A., Tüzel, Y., Ntatsi, G., Schwarz, D., 2017. Impact of grafting and rootstock on nutrient to water uptake ratios during the first month after planting of hydroponically grown tomato. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology (in press). DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2016.1265903.
  65. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2015. Relationship between water consumption and NaCl 1 accumulation in a closed hydroponic crop of zucchini, and its impact on macronutrient uptake, growth, yield, and gas exchange. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (in press).
  66. Karkanis, A., Ntatsi, G., Kontopoulou, C.K., Pristeri, A., Bilalis, D., Savvas, D., 2016. Field pea in European cropping systems: adaptability, biological nitrogen fixation and cultivation practices. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 44 (2), 325-336.
  67. Karkanis, A., Ntatsi, G., Kontopoulou, C.K., Pristeri, A., Bilalis, D., Savvas, D., 2016. Field pea in European cropping systems: adaptability, biological nitrogen fixation and cultivation practices. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (in press).
  68. Kontopoulou, C.K., Liasis, E., Iannetta, P.M., Savvas, D., 2015. Impact of rhizobial inoculation and reduced N supply on biomass production and biological N2-fixation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown hydroponically. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (in press).
  69. Tampakaki, A., Fotiadis, C., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D. 2016. Phylogenetic multilocus sequence analysis of indigenous slow-growing rhizobia nodulating cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) in Greece. Systematic and Applied Microbiology (accepted).
  70. Karapanos, I., Papandreou, A., Skouloudi, M., Makrogianni, D., Fernandez, J., da Graça Mendonça Pereira, M., Ntatsi, G., Bebeli, P.J, Savvas, D. 2016. Assessment of the quality and dietary characteristics of pods of 37 cowpea landraces grown in Southern Europe and consumed as vegetables. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (submitted for publication).
  71. Ntatsi, G., Karkanis, A., Pappa, V.A., Yfantopoulos, D., Konosonoka, I.E., Travlos, I., Bilalis, D., Bebeli, P.J., Savvas, D. 2017. Impact of conventional and organic farming system on soil fertility, weed flora, yield and nitrogen fixation efficiency of different pea (Pisum sativum) landraces. Pedosphere (submitted)
  72. Tampakaki, A., Fotiadis, C., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D. 2017. A novel symbiovar (aegeanense) of the genius Ensifer nodulates Vigna unguinculata. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8281
  73. Carvalho, M., Bebeli, P., Pereira, G., Castro, I., Egea-Gilabert, C., Matos, M., Lazaridi, E., Duarte, I., Lino-Neto, T., Ntatsi, G., Rodrigues, M., Savvas, D., dos Santos Rosa, E., Carnide, V., 2017. «Cowpea, a promising crop for the future. The added value of Southern Europe landraces». Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (accepted and revised)
  74. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2017. Simulating NaCl accumulation in a closed hydroponic crop of zucchini: Impact on macronutrient uptake, growth, yield, and photosynthesis. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180, 283–293.
  75. Karapanos, I., Papandreou, A., Skouloudi, M., Makrogianni, D., Fernandez, J., da Graça Mendonça Pereira, M., Ntatsi, G., Bebeli, P.J, Savvas, D. 2017. Cowpea fresh pods – a new legume for the market: assessment of their quality and dietary characteristics of 37 cowpea accessions grown in southern Europe. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97, 4343-4352.
  76. Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., Papasotiropoulos, V., Katsileros, A., Zuther, E., Hincha, D.K., Schwarz, D., 2017. Rootstock sub-optimal temperature tolerance determines transcriptomic responses after long-term root cooling in rootstocks and scions of grafted tomato plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00911.
  77. Neocleous, D., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., 2017. Physiological, nutritional and growth responses of melon (Cucumis melo) to a gradual salinity buildup in recirculating nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition 40, 2168-2180.
  78. Ntatsi, G., Aliferis, K.A., Rouphael, Y., Napolitano, F., Makris, K., Kalala, G., Katopodis, G., Savvas, D., 2017. Salinity source alters mineral composition and metabolism of Cichorium spinosum. Environmental & Experimental Botany 141, 113-123.
  79. Vasdekis, E.P., Karkabounas, A., Giannakopoulos, I., Savvas, D., Lekka, M.E., 2018. Screening of mushrooms bioactivity: piceatannol was identified as a bioactive ingredient in the order Cantharellales. European Food Research and Technology.org/10.1007/s00217-017-3007-y.
  80. Ntatsi, G., Gutiérrez-Cortines, M.E., Karapanos, I., Barros, A., Weiss, J., Balliu, A., Rosa, E.A., Savvas, D., 2018. The quality of leguminous vegetables as influenced by preharvest factors. Scientia Horticulturae 232, 191-205.
  81. Chatzigianni, M., Alkhaled, B., Livieratos, I., Stamatakis, A., Ntatsi, G., Savvas, D., 2018. Impact of nitrogen source and supply level on growth, yield and nutritional value of two contrasting ecotypes of Cichorium spinosum grown hydroponically. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98, 1615-1624.
  82. Ntatsi, G., Karkanis, A., Yfantopoulos, D., Olle, M., Travlos, E., Thanopoulos, R., Bilalis, D., Bebeli, P., Savvas, D., 2018. Impact of variety and farming practices on growth, yield, weed flora and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in faba bean cultivated for fresh seed production. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B: Soil & Plant Science 68, 619–630.
  83. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2018. Modelling Ca2+ accumulation in soilless zucchini crops: Physiological and agronomical responses. Agricultural Water Management 203, 197-206.
  84. Karkanis, A., Ntatsi, G., Lepse, L., Fernández, J.A., Vågen, I., Rewald, B., Alsiņa, I., Kronberga, A., Balliu, A., Olle, M., Bodner, G., Dubova, L., Rosa, E., Savvas, D., 2018. Faba bean cultivation – Revealing novel managing practices for more sustainable and competitive European cropping systems. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 1115.
  85. Ropokis, A., Ntatsi, G., Kittas, C., Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., 2018. Impact of cultivar and grafting on nutrient and water uptake by sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) grown hydroponically under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1244.
  86. Savvas, D., Gruda, N., 2018. Application of soilless culture technologies in the modern greenhouse industry – A review. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83, 280-293.
  87. Gruda, N., Savvas, D., Colla, G., Rouphael, Y., 2018. Impacts of genetic material and current technologies on product quality of selected greenhouse vegetables – A review. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83, 319-328.
  88. Ntatsi, G., Karkanis, A., Yfantopoulos, D., Pappa, V.A., Konosonoka, I.H., Travlos, I., Bilalis, D., Bebeli, P., Savvas, D., 2019. Evaluation of the field performance, nitrogen fixation efficiency and competitive ability of pea landraces grown under organic and conventional farming systems. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65, 294-307.
  89. Ropokis, A., Ntatsi, G., Kittas, C., Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., 2019. Effects of temperature and grafting on yield, nutrient uptake, and water use efficiency of a hydroponic sweet pepper crop. Agronomy 9, 110.
  90. Neocleous, D., Savvas, D., 2019. The effects of phosphorus supply limitation on photosynthesis, biomass production, nutritional quality, and mineral nutrition in lettuce grown in a recirculating nutrient solution. Scientia Horticulturae 252, 379-387.
  91. Chatzigianni, M., Ntatsi, G., Theodorou, M., Stamatakis, A., Livieratos, I., Rouphael, Y., Savvas, D., 2019. Functional quality, mineral composition and biomass production in hydroponic spiny chicory (Cichorium spinosum) are modulated interactively by ecotype, salinity and nitrogen supply. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1040.
  92. Gatsios, A., Ntatsi, G., Celi, L., Said-Pullicino, D., Tampakaki, A., Giannakou, I., Savvas., D., 2019. Nitrogen nutrition optimization in organic greenhouse tomato through the use of legume plants as green manure or intercrops. Agronomy, 9(11), 766.
  93. Tzortzakis, N., Nicola, S., Savvas, D., Voogt, W., 2020. Editorial: Soilless cultivation through an intensive crop production scheme. Management strategies, challenges and future directions. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 363.
  94. Ntatsi, G., Aliferis, K.A., Panagiotopoulou, A., Rouphael, Y., Savvas, D., 2020. 1H NMR metabolic profiling dataset of spiny chicory (Cichorium spinosum) exposed to abiotic stresses. Data in Brief 30,105622.

Δημοσιεύσεις ερευνητικών εργασιών σε διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένα επιστημονικά περιοδικά χωρίς σύστημα κριτών

  1.  Savvas, D., 2003. Hydroponics: A modern technology supporting the application of integrated crop management in greenhouse. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 1. WFL Publisher, Helsinki, Finland: pp. 80-86.
  2. Liopa-Tsakalidis, A., Sakkopoulos, E., Savvas, D., Sideridis, A.B., Tzimas, J., 2005. HydroNet: An intelligent hydroponics web service environment. Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, 13: 15-36.
  3. Passam, H.C., Karapanos, I.C., Bebeli, P.J., Savvas, D., 2007. A review of recent research on tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology with reference to fruit quality. European Journal of Plant Science & Biotechnology 1, 1-21.
  4. Savvas, D., Ntatsi, G., Passam, H.C., 2008. Plant nutrition and physiological disorders in greenhouse grown tomato, pepper and eggplant. European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2, 45-61
  5. Βilalis, D., Karkanis, A., Angelopoulou, F., Travlos, I., Antoniadis, A., Ntatsi, G., Lazaridi, E., Savvas, D., 2015. Effect of organic and mineral fertilization on root growth and mycorrhizal colonization of pea crops (Pisum sativum). Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 72(2), 288-294. DOI: 10.15835/buasvmcn-hort: 11497
  6. Βilalis, D., Karkanis, A., Travlos, I., Antoniadis, A., Ntatsi, G., Bebeli, P., Savvas, D., 2015. Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) and corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) competition with four pea varieties cultivated following conventional or organic farming practices. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture 72(2), 443-444. DOI: 10.15835/buasvmcn-hort: 1163

Δημοσιεύσεις σε αγγλόφωνα βιβλία

  1. Savvas, D., 2001. Nutritional Management of Vegetables and Ornamental Plants in Hydroponics. In: Dris, R. Niskanen, R., and S.M. Jain (Eds). Crop Management and Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Products. Volume I: Quality Management. Science Publishers, Enfield, N.H., U.S.A.: pp. 37-87.
  2. Savvas, D., 2002. General Introduction. In: Savvas, D. and H.C. Passam (Eds). Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals. Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece: pp. 15-23.
  3. Savvas, D., 2002. Nutrient Solution Recycling. In: Savvas, D., and H.C. Passam (Eds). Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals. Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece: pp. 299-343.
  4. . Gianquinto, G.P., Muñoz, P., Pardossi, A., Ramazzotti, S., Savvas, D., 2013. Chapter 10: Soil fertility and plant nutrition. In: Good Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Vegetable Crops. Principles for Mediterranean Climate Areas. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Plant Production and Protection Paper 217, Rome, pp. 205-269.
  5. Savvas, D., Gianquinto, G.P., Tüzel, Y., Gruda, N., 2013. Chapter 12. Soilless Culture. In: Good Agricultural Practices for Greenhouse Vegetable Crops. Principles for Mediterranean Climate Areas. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Plant Production and Protection Paper 217, Rome, pp. 303-354


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  2. Σάββας, Δ., 1995. Ενδεικτικά προγράμματα υδρολίπανσης: πιπεριά. Γεωργική Τεχνολογία, 2/95, σελ. 98-99.
  3. Σάββας, Δ., 1995. Ενδεικτικά προγράμματα υδρολίπανσης: μελιτζάνα. Γεωργική Τεχνολογία, 2/95, σελ. 100-101.
  1. Σάββας, Δ., 1998. Η ανακύκλωση του θρεπτικού διαλύματος στις υδροπονικές καλλιέργειες. Γεωργία & Κτηνοτρο­φία, 4/1998, σελ. 56-68.
  2. Σάββας, Δ., 2001. Η λίπανση της τομάτας και της αγγουριάς στο θερμοκήπιο. Γεωργική Τεχνολογία, 1/2001, 74-78.
  3. Σάββας, Δ., 2007. Η υδροπονική καλλιέργεια τομάτας στο θερμοκήπιο. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 12/2007, σελ. 42-56.
  4. Σάββας, Δ., Γ. Παπάζης, 2009. Θρέψη – λίπανση των σταυρανθών λαχανικών. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 10/2009, σελ. 30-36.
  5. Σάββας, Δ., 2011. Συστήματα καλλιέργειας εκτός εδάφους. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 10/2011, σελ. 82-98.
  6. Σάββας, Δ., 2013. Το Μαρούλι και η καλλιέργειά του. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 6/2013, σελ. 12-25.
  7. Σάββας, Δ., Πατεράκης, Π., Βουρναδάκη, Π., Ροπόκης, Α., Ντάτση, Γ., 2014. Αξιολόγηση υποστρωμάτων σε υδροπονική καλλιέργεια τομάτας. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 1/2014, σελ. 64-70.
  8. Σάββας, Δ., 2014. Η θρέψη των φυτών στις υδροπονικές καλλιέργειες. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτρο­φία, 8/2014, σελ. 66-71.
  9. Σάββας, Δ., Παππά, Β., Ντάτση, Γ., Ταμπακάκη, Α., Μπιλάλης, Δ., Κίττας, Κ., Θανόπουλος, Ρ., Λαζαρίδη, Ε., Καραπάνος, Ι., Καρκάνης, Α., Τραυλός, Η., Φωτιάδης, Χ., Μπεμπέλη, Π., 2015. Αξιοποίηση Ψυχανθών για Βιώσιμη Γεωργική Ανάπτυξη. Γεωργία – Κτηνοτροφία, 7/2015, σελ. 64-69.